Monday, June 8, 2009

Get Ready!

I am starting this blog and will be posting new blogs daily. My goal with this blog is to help people from all cultures, of all ages, in all walks of life to grow and stay strong in Christ. I believe that God has called all of us LIVING this Christian walk for such a time as this and boy does our culture need us in a desperate way. My goal is to let God daily impact your lives everyday so that you can grow in Him and that TOGETHER we can become an unshakeable force for Christ and see that the souls across America and the world have a loving encounter with God and give their lives to Him.

"Stand at attention while I prepare you for your work. I'm making you as impregnable as a castle. Immovable as a steel post, solid as a concrete block wall. You're a one-man defense system against this culture. Against Judah's kings and princes, agains the priests and local leaders. They'll fight you, but they won't even scratch you. I'll back you up every inch of the way. God's Decree. " (Jeremiah 1:18-19, The Message)

I believe that this is God's message to all Christians in America. God is going through America preparing Christians for His work, however, He is only going to be able to use those Christians who are pure at heart and have CHARACTER. Character is key in God's eyes. According to dictionary. com character means (qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity). In the past many Christian leaders/ revolutionaries have had great talent, however, I believe in these last days God will not be satisfied with leaders who only possess talent, but Character will be what is absolutely necessary to be a forerunner for the kingdom of God. Lack of Character in Christians across America has been what has hindered the flow of God and the American church. We no longer have prayer in school, gay marriage is becoming legalized in many states, the abortion rate has increased dramatically, the divorce rate has skyrocketed, the economy is in bad shape, violence has increased, and our current President claimed America was no longer a Christian nation just a week ago. However,


In today's scripture God says:
"Stand at attention while I prepare you for your work. I'm making you as impregnable as a castle. Immovable as a steel post, solid as a concrete block wall. You're a one-man defense system against this culture."

He is saying GET READY!!!! I am training my final army. Young and old, white and back, rich and poor! It don't matter your background or your failures God is preparing US for the final battle. We, Christians, are going to unify and be a one-man defense system against this culture. God is taking us through a process of development so we will be ready!! He wants to use all of us, but we must prepare ourselves. We must live holy lives both in and out of church, we must pray and prepare ourselves, we must read the word, and we must get active in our communities showing the love of Christ in everything we do. In Isaiah 55: 6-7 it says:

"Seek God while he's here to be found, pray to him while he's close at hand. Let the wicked abandon their way of life and the evil their way of thinking. Let them come back to God, who is merciful, come back to our God, who is lavish with forgiveness."

Let us all seek the God of the universe while he is here and repent of our sins. Let us step up and become Christians of charcter. Let us "stand at attention" while God is preparing us for what he is going to do through us. And finally, let us unify together, different ages, different ethnicity, different social classes, different religions, let us break down and look past every prejudice and judgement we may have, and stand firm as the ONE-MAN DEFENSE SYSTEM God has called us to be and see America come to Christ. he has promised to "back us up every inch of the way." So let us Get Ready! And become the revolutionaries for Christ that God has called us to be for our country!!

1 comment:

  1. America never has been and never will be a "Christian" nation. Obama was very correct in saying that.

    Your entire opening paragraph is seriously the most stereotypical Fox "news" b.s. that I have ever heard. Have fun in your bubble.
